The Calling HOME Circle:

four days over seven months

Calling your energy back and restoring yourself in these challenging times

 The Calling Home Circle


Day one -18th October 2024

Day two-6th December 2024

Day three - 7th February 2025

Day four- 25th April 2025


10:00 am to 4:00 pm


Gorsehill, Cliff Road, Windgates,
Bray, Co Wicklow (45 minutes from Dublin)


A dear friend shared with me that swifts can fly for months without touching the ground. At dawn and dusk they go up high into the sky. For a long time, it was thought they were just resting, but recent research found that they are also rising into a magnetic atmosphere that allows them to realign with the constellation of the stars, resetting their internal compass to know where they are going, coming home to themselves. Isn’t this a beautiful concept?

In these re-emerging times:

What would it be like to know you had times blocked out in your diary to come out of the busyness, inviting your body into ease and into ways of deepening; welcome to the parts of yourself that may feel exiled in these challenging times?

Perhaps like the swifts, hearing the whispers of your internal compass? Answering a call to come home to yourself. Resting, resetting, nurturing your system and strengthening your connection to your resources, to bring to life’s challenges.

This is an invitation to come on a journey, gifting yourself this rhythm, in the form of four Fridays, one every couple of months (October 2023-April 2024). Giving yourself space to realign with the stars, ‘re-earth’ and return to yourself again and again, in the very beautiful and some might say magical setting of Gorsehill ( less than 45 minutes south of Dublin).





Together, we will co-create a sacred space, weaving together Celtic wisdom, neuroscience and somatic movement to nourish and renew.

Spaces are limited so early booking is advised


I am delighted you are here and reading this. This offering is an honouring of the whispers of the grandmothers, who kept showing me this circular shape, in dreams, journeys and doodles. When I listened, they whispered about calling us home, starting in October as we enter the dark part of the year.

“Sacred Space is where we can find ourselves again and again” -Joseph Campbell

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 Is there a sheep skin with your name on it?

  • Are you curious about how to cultivate your connection to the resources in nature more?

  • Do you find yourself questioning what really matters?

  • Are there aspects of your life you hope you don’t fall back into (for me I hope I don’t fall back into thinking I need as much stuff as I used to think I did)?

  • Are you hearing the whispers of what wants more life within you?

  • Do you enjoy connecting and being in community with others?

  • Do you feel a pull to deepen and/or give space to the wisdom which has been awakening within you?

If you are answering yes to some of these questions, this programme may be for you and I am so glad you are here.

I love how Celtic wisdom says that sometimes we are meant to forget what matters most. We might forget when we are spun out, trying to do too much and adapt (as many of us have been doing in these Covid times), we always have a sense of home to spiral back to. Together we will explore frames and techniques, where we might find more expansion, ease and a stronger sense of centre we can reorganise ourselves around.

What and Where?

The 4 gathering days will be out in the beautiful (some might say magical) Gorsehill, nestled into the hill, over looking the ocean (30-45 minutes south of Dublin). Calling us home to our true nature.

We will start at 10:00 am (coffee/teas and settling in from 9:30 am and end at 4:00 pm

We will explore the space between us- sharing stories, food, heart-aches and joy.

As Neil Greenberg says

Resilience does not always live within us but between us.”



 Offering in more detail

Day 1: 18th october 2024

We will begin our journey together as we approach Samhain, re-earthing, putting our roots down, at this time of year synonymous with the north. This is the home of new beginnings in the Celtic Calendar.

There will be an invitation to

  • gentle movement to help  our systems come out of the busyness  and ‘land’ in Gorsehill

  • drop into a renewing rhythm - spending time together in circle, time on your own in the gardens, honouring what you need (that might be to simply lie down and rest)

  • come home to the Celtic wisdom of the Cailleach at this time of year

  • explore a Celtic ritual of connecting with our ‘seeds of becoming’ through a guided journey

  • explore your relationship to earth energy in your body - the strength in your legs and bones. You will discover simple grounding and strengthening practices

  • begin a journey of befriending your nervous system through the lens of Polyvagal and Stephen Terrell’s ground breaking work. Exploring tools to understand why ease can be so elusive sometimes and exploring simple daily practices that cultivate expansion and ease in your nervous system

  • coming together in community to hold space for each other and expand into connection

Day 2: 6th December 2024

As we approach the winter solstice, we are still in the dark phase of the year, the seeds are under the ground and much of nature is slowing and resting. We may feel a deep yearning to rest and yet, we might be caught up in a flurry of activity as we prepare for Christmas.

There will be an invitation to:

  • gently move, inviting the system into rest and be held by Gorsehill

  • drop into a renewing rhythm - spending time together in circle, time on your own in the gardens, honouring what you need

  • come home to the Celtic wisdom of ‘dreamtime’, preparing for the return of the light

  • explore Celtic ritual connected to the approaching winter solstice

  • look at rest through a polyvagal lens and understand what gets in our way of rest and exploring ways we can reclaim rest

  • come together in community to hold space for each other and expand into connection

Day 3: 7th February 2024
Realigning with the stars

Rising above, like the birds to see new possibilities and ways of being. We will connect with ‘air’ energy which is synonymous with spring, when the ‘new shoots’ start to emerge from the ground. We see the first pops of colour emerging from the dark earth.

There will be an invitation to:

  • come home to the Celtic wisdom of the spring and living into new possibilities

  • deepen your understanding of your safety system’s resistance to change and how we can work with this

  • experience a guided journey

  • explore your relationship to air energy in your body- the lightness of being of air, the spaciousness it brings. We will discover simple practices to connect with the element of air.

  • deepen the practice of befriending your nervous system through the lens of Polyvagal and Stephen Terrell’s ground breaking work

  • come together in community to hold space for each other and expand into connection

Day 4: 25th April 2024
Re-extend from Strength

Re-extending from strength (there is energy in those words) is linked to enlivening our fire energy. We will be in the light part of the year in the Celtic Calendar; energy is rising. You may find yourself with more projects on the go, you might find patterns of over-extending and a curiosity about how to be more discerning about what we are saying ‘yes’ to and how to keep our rhythm more.

There will be an invitation to:

  • come home to the Celtic wisdom of this time of year -to own your fire

  • experience a Celtic ritual of connecting with your fire energy, what wants more life within you and what you are ready to let go of

  • explore your relationship to fire energy in your body - the energy of the solar plexus, the action it brings. We will discover simple practices to connect you with the element of fire

  • discover how we can return to a rhythm of renewal when we find ourselves spun out (balancing masculine and feminine energy)

  • come together in community to hold space for each other and expand into connection

The investment:


Investment is €700 plus VAT (€161.00)= €861.00

How do I sign up for one of the 12 places?


You can follow this link to pay a booking deposit of €100 euros to reserve your place.

You can then pay in two payments.

The first payment of €380.50 will be due by 1st December 2024.
The second payment €380.50 will be due by 3rd February 2025.

Please contact me with any questions or if you would like to discuss this offering in more detail.