November 3, 2022 – March 23, 2023
The Programme in Detail
The experiential programme incorporates information sharing, embodied personal experience, and opportunities to practice within and between modules. While the concepts and theory are fascinating in and of themselves, the transformative potential of this approach is unlocked through personal experience and practice.
Modules 1 – 3 are three-hour sessions (3 November, 17 November & 1 December), followed by a one-hour Q&A (15 December). Please see table at the bottom of webpage for specific start and end times by date and time zone.
Part one of the programme will focus on how to increase your ability to become a more proactive operator of your own nervous system, as opposed to a passive follower of unconscious patterns.
We will cover the following:
· The role of the nervous system in building capacity for performance, health and overall well-being
· The core principals of Polyvagal Theory – hierarchy, neuroception, and co-regulation
· The safety/danger equation – how humans signal safety and danger
· Guided exercises to get to know your own nervous system through mapping (personal autonomic profile, individual triggers, and identification of specific activities that help you come back into regulation)
· How to identify and develop regulating resources (part 1)
Q&A session: For one hour on December 15, 2022.
Modules 4-6 are three-hour sessions (19 January, 2 February, and 16 February), followed by a two-hour integration session (23 March). Please see table at the bottom of webpage for specific start and end times by date and time zone.
Part two of the programme will focus on integrating a polyvagal-informed approach into your work with clients, and in particular, an exploration of concrete approaches and practices.
We will cover the following:
· How to introduce Polyvagal Theory to clients and get buy-in to do the mapping exercises
· Tips for guiding mapping
· How to identify and develop regulating resources (part 2)
· Techniques for supporting clients to develop and deepen their awareness of which part of their nervous system is in control at any one time
· How to support clients in expanding the resources available to them to come back into a place where they feel centred and capable
· The importance of developing routines and practices to support your ability to be centred, present and resourced
· Ways to expand what you have learned
· Where to from here? The further integration of Polyvagal Theory into your practice
The final session (23 March) will allow you to further integrate what you have learned by sharing your experience, hearing about the experiences of others, as well as providing an opportunity to raise questions.
Your questions during the programme: If you have any questions that you were not able to raise during any of the 3-hour modules, Kerry and Sandra will stay on at the end of each session for an additional 15 minutes to address them. Questions can also be emailed to them between modules.
Additional Resources and reading
Polyvagal Theory in Therapy (2018)Norton, 2018
Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: 50 Client-Centred Practices, Norton, 2020
Anchored: How to Befriend Your Nervous System Using Polyvagal Theory, Norton 2021
The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, Self-Regulation, (2011) WW Norton, New York
Polyvagal Safety: Attachment, Communication and Self-Regulation. Porges SW (2021), WW Norton, New York